Keller Williams Realty Integrity - Thunder Homes
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Experience the best when you choose Thunder Homes. Our knowledgeable and honest agents will treat you like family and go above and beyond making your transaction feel seamless. We are not promising that the process will go perfectly. Things can and do happen but we will help you navigate the storms of real estate. We proudly serve the St Croix Valley area, along with all around Minneapolis and St Paul MN. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer, seeking luxury properties, or interested in horse/ranch properties, we can help. We have helped hundreds of people find their dream home whatever that looks like to you. With us, you'll have the same agent by your side from start to finish. Plus, we offer a wealth of resources beyond real estate. Trust us to be your go-to team for all of your household needs.
My Preferred Vendors
These are vendors that we know, trust and have used in the past. You are welcome to contact anyone you choose but know these are just suggestions for you not guarantees. Please let them know that Mary, Angie, JJ or Sarah from Thunder Homes sent you. We like to continue to build these relationships.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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